Due to the epidemic, they could not go to the hospital at home, so it was very difficult for the children to get medical check-ups. Phuong is the one who best understands the anxiety of a mother when her baby is in need of a timely examination but does not know where to find a doctor, especially in the present time.
Docosan is an application that Phuong trusts and is useful to read doctor information, search and book doctor appointments as quickly as possible. That is also the reason why Phuong loves and trusts Docosan even more.

Hopefully in the future, Docosan can accompany mothers to take care of the health of their babies and families as quickly as possible.
Docosan sends everyone a list of doctors and clinics that provide free medical examination 24/7, supporting the community to overcome this epidemic season. This is very necessary information for the community at this time, let's spread the good values in COVID-19 prevention and control with Docosan.
Just click on the link below, book an appointment, everyone will receive support and dedicated advice from a team of doctors from many specialties such as: General Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Otolaryngology, etc. ..
Hope Docosan can contribute to overcome this pandemic together with the community!