Washington, DC

A completely comprehensive masterclass
Everything you need to know to build a successful website
Wix Masterclass is a step-by-step course that will hold your hand through the process of building a website. The beautiful aspect of this course is that it lays an entire framework of Wix and everything you need to know in order to build a successful website.
Plus, you'll be able to instantly plug into a community of like-minded individuals looking to accomplish your same goal. With direct access to all masterclass members at your fingertips, no questions will go unanswered.
Coming March 2021
Discover The Following:
Wix Fundamentals
Key Wix Apps
Editor X Overview
Velo by Wix
Ascend by Wix
Mobile Optimization
How Do Others Feel About WTA Content?
How long can these go? Some of the testimonials I have are long andthese are all short, so I'm going to test al ong one.
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Nullam et lacus in urna malesuada aliquet a sed enim. Ut nec ornare magna. Aliquam lacus purus, faucibus et nisl at, hendrerit condimentum justo. Nulla dignissim id elit faucibus molestie. Vestibulum at ornare erat. Duis sed nulla orci. Etiam a varius ex, quis facilisis lorem. Phasellus quis hendrerit erat. Duis ac ultrices ex, sed commodo sapien. Morbi sed turpis augue.
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calum collins
CCollins Painting & Decorating
testing out this page as. i came across your youtube video. i want to stat sco and website building, i want to build my own website which has a fully functioning review page, like this one. what is the maximun amount of reviews that this review page can hold?
many thanks
When will the Masterclass launch?
This is currently an Early Bird Pre-Sale in order for you to secure your enrollment at a discounted price. The Masterclass is set to launch in March of 2021.
Will there be another early-bird discount?
No. This will be my only Early Bird Pre-Sale special that I will be running prior to the launch of the course.
What if I am on the fence about this Masterclass?
Completely acceptable. Although, if you join the Masterclass and feel as if you did not get the value you believed you would, I am honoring a 100% Money Back Guarantee, so I would be happy to offer you a refund. Ultimately, it takes the risk completely out of the equation. Knowing that, I would join and see if it is right for you and then decide.
Enroll in the Wix Masterclass
Early Bird Pre-Sale Discount
Join for only $249 (50% off!)